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Table of Contents
About The Book
What do Hinduism and Yoga philosophy have to say about ecology and the environment? Christopher Key Chapple provides an in-depth analysis of the traditional texts and ideas that relate to modern concerns and conversations in the environmental movement. Chapple explains what ancient Indian texts, including the Vedas and Upani?ads, tell us about the centrality of earth-awareness in early India. Chapple then also examines how contemporary eco-activists, such as Vandana Shiva, M.C. Mehta, and Sunderlal Bahuguna, are applying traditional teachings and methods to current environmental crises.
Embodied Ecology highlights how Hindu and Yoga ideals can address pressing environmental problems including global consumerism, the proliferation of plastic waste, species extinctions, and climate change. Chapple offers insights on how Yoga ethics can help us create guidelines for the modern ills of over-consumption and how meditation practices can help foster a greater connection to the environment, as well as alleviate distress brought about by eco-anxiety.
Under Chapple’s guide, students will gain familiarity with primary Hindu texts describing methods for understanding and connecting with the five primary elements and learn Yoga practices and lifestyle changes that can be applied to bring about positive change on both a global and individual level.
Product Details
- Publisher: Mandala Publishing (May 6, 2025)
- Length: 320 pages
- ISBN13: 9798887621159
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Raves and Reviews
“Christopher Chapple is a distinguished scholar of Hinduism and Ecology. This book represents years of scholarly reflection, careful translations, and engaged practice in the rich landscape of Hinduism. It is an invaluable guide into the ways that Hinduism offers insights into nature, ecological ethics, and yogic practices that will illuminate our world.”
– Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-founder and co-director of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
“In a period where limitless greed and limitless growth is driving collapse of ecosystems and social systems, Embodied Ecology provides insights into making peace with the earth, in society, with the self. Christopher Chapple dives deep into Indian ecophilosophy and practice. Cultivating harmony and interconnectedness is yoga—joining, nonseparation. Embodied Ecology is Yoga of the Earth.”
– Vandana Shiva, environmental activist and anti-globalisation author
“The author has been a leading voice in the study of Hinduism and ecology for decades. Embodied Ecology is a treasure house of wisdom drawn from the ancient Vedas to contemporary environmental activists, many inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. It invites the reader into serious reflection on current environmental perils, a deep love of nature, and consideration of what the vast religious literature and practices within Hinduism have to offer as possible pathways to a healthier human presence on our precious planet.”
– David L. Haberman, professor emeritus of religious studies, University of Indiana Bloomington and author of People Trees: Worship of Trees in Northern India
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