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Magical History Tour Vol. 12

The Samurai

Illustrated by Sylvain Savoia
Published by Papercutz
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Who hasn’t heard of the samurai? These Japanese warriors who served under the orders of the shogun and lived by their strict code of honor, bushido, have made a name for themselves worldwide. Modern-day kids Annie and Nico go on a magical history tour to find out more about the samurai, an essential group in Japanese society for 700 years. Masters of the sword and men of honor, the samurai are still shrouded in intrigue today. But Annie and Nico will peel back the curtains on the mystery and capably explain the samurai’s origins, way of life, and their eventual decline in this pocket-sized book, perfect for classrooms and libraries!

About The Author

Fabrice Erre, born in 1973 in France, is an author and teacher of comics, as well as an accomplished historian. Through his comics, he seeks above all to parody human behavior, teasing out our little personal weaknesses and our vulnerability to manipulation by the masses. Most recently, putting his history background to good use, Erre has teamed up with artist Sylvain Savoia to create the series THE THREAD OF HISTORY, set on bringing the past to vivid life for younger readers.

About The Illustrator

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