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Table of Contents
About The Book
• 2020 Coalition of Visionary Resources Gold Award
• Explores more than 100 Goddess-centered stones and crystals, including amazonite, amethyst, birthing stones, thundereggs, geodes, Lemurian seed crystals, sakura stone, yeh ming zhu, and carnelian, also known as the blood of Isis
• Details each stone’s astrological and elemental correspondences, Goddess archetypes, healing properties, magickal uses, and aspects of the Divine Feminine it embodies
• Includes instructions for Goddess-centered rituals, guided meditations, and spells
• Explains how to create Goddess-centered crystal grids, crystal elixirs, and charm bags
Part of Mother Earth, crystals and gemstones are intimate pieces of the body of the Goddess, sacred tools that can help us tap into Her energy for healing, magick, and spiritual growth.
In this practical guide to working with the stones of the Goddess, Nicholas Pearson explores more than 100 gemstones and crystals strongly connected with the energies of the Divine Feminine, including old favorites like amazonite, amethyst, geodes, and carnelian (also known as the blood of Isis), alongside newer and more unusual stones such as sakura ishi, yeh ming zhu, and Lemurian seed crystals. He details each stone’s spiritual and healing properties, astrological and elemental correspondences, Goddess archetypes and lore, magickal uses, and the aspects of the Divine Feminine it embodies. Providing an overview of major Goddesses from around the world, he reveals how Goddess traditions and myths have incorporated stones throughout history.
Guiding you through the basics of crystal work, including cleansing and programming, the author offers step-by-step instructions for Goddess-centered magickal rituals, guided meditations to connect with the Divine Feminine, and the use of crystals for spellcasting. He explains how to create crystal grids, including the Triple Goddess Grid and the Venus Grid; crystal elixirs, such as Aphrodite Elixir and Yemayá Essence; and crystal charm bags for purification, wealth, and a happy home.
With the rebirth of the Goddess now happening after millennia of suppression, Pearson shows how, by working with gemstones and crystals, you can help restore the radiant light and limitless magick of the Divine Feminine and move humanity toward collective growth and healing. The stones of the Goddess are here to support us through practical means as well as serve as anchors for the return of the Goddess’s presence.
Compendium of Crystals
Magickal uses: protection, fertility, wisdom, regeneration, divination, karmic healing, connecting to deities
Elemental signature: all
Astrological signature: Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini
Goddess archetypes: Earth Mother, Crone
Formation process: sedimentary
Among the fossils, ammonite is peculiarly enchanting for its spiral shape. Ammonites are the fossilized remains of extinct mollusks resembling the modern-day nautilus. They are found in many locations around the world, with a variety of mineralizations replacing the original organic tissue. Those preserved in soft clays usually retain the nacreous luster of the original mother-of-pearl in the shell. The spiral of this stone has long been considered sacred to the Goddess.
Virtually all fossils have made their way into myth and magick in cultures around the world. Ammonite, whose coiled shape is reminiscent of that of a snake, has been variously known as snake-stone, serpentstone, ophite (from the Greek ophis for “snake”), and draconite (named for draco, or “dragon”). In a classic example of sympathetic magick, ammonites were thus believed to counteract the venom of reptiles, avert the gaze of serpents, and enable one to handle snakes without fear of being bitten. Serpents are also symbols of the Great Goddess, and her worship throughout the world has included snake-related imagery.
The serpent is a symbol of fertility, and these fossils were accordingly used for enhancing fertility in livestock and aiding human conception. Since snakes are also representations of wisdom, immortality, and regeneration, ammonites took on the same characteristics. In truth, the serpent or dragon reflects the underworld aspects of the Earth Mother. Across the body of the Earth are etched the sinewy currents of chthonic energy--the ley lines or dragon lines. Like a spiral staircase, meditating with ammonite draws the attention inward and downward, helping one to descend into the realm of the subconscious mind. This stone helps us reach the underworld via meditation, astral travel, and dreamtime journey. Once there, we can call upon the assistance of the Queen of the Underworld--the Dark Goddess--for healing and transformation.
The fossilized ammonite is a potent karmic healing stone. It can be used for past-life awareness as well as for healing deep-seated patterns we may carry from previous lifetimes. It brings renewal and hope. Like the unfurling of fiddlehead ferns, the coiled ammonite brings the promise of new life. Its spiral form is the cosmic dance of life-death-rebirth, the rhythm of the Great Mother’s heartbeat.
Magickal uses: purification, courage, communication, clairvoyance, protection, peace, illumination, stress relief, healing
Elemental signature: Water
Astrological signature: Moon, Neptune, Venus, Pisces, Taurus
Goddess archetypes: Ocean Goddess, Great Mother
Formation process: igneous
Aquamarine belongs to the beryl family, a mineral species composed of beryllium aluminum silicate. Aquamarine occurs when beryl has traces of iron, and its color range includes blue to green. This gemstone is named for its color, which evokes images of seawater. Aquamarine is deeply connected to the energies of the ocean. Fishermen and sailors once carried this gem to ensure safe passage upon the sea. Its clarity and color represent the ocean, and it can be used to connect to goddesses of the water, such as Yemayá, Sarasvati, Ezili (or Erzulie), Tefnut, Amphitrite, Thalassa, Tiamat, Oshún, and Salacia. Use aquamarine to petition these goddesses for their help in ritual, or meditate upon it to dive into their mysteries. In meditation aquamarine can take us into the depths of the soul, as if plunging deep into the sea to find sunken treasure. Once there, it helps bring light to our innermost struggles.
With aquamarine’s illuminating properties, where once you may have experienced stagnation, there will instead be light. It is like stirring mud-laden waters in a stream; at first things may become more turbid, but the murkiness eventually flows away leaving clean water in its wake. In a similar fashion, aquamarine brings clarity and illumination through its mechanism of release. As we let go of stagnant patterns, there is room for peace, courage, and connection to the Divine Mother. Aquamarine nourishes us with her blessings while encouraging us to let go of our pain and struggles.
In kabbalistic lore, aquamarine is associated with the sefirot Binah, meaning “understanding.” Binah is credited with exhibiting a feminine energy, and it is sometimes equated with Shakti, the creative forces of the Divine Feminine. From this perspective, aquamarine helps one to tap into the raw creative fuel of the universe and use it for magick, manifestation, and healing. The crystal structure of aquamarine, which reveals a pattern similar to the flower of life, points to the same symbolism. The flower of life is a figure composed of overlapping circles; in sacred geometry it is used to express the first act of creation and original information system of the universe. Aquamarine allows us to reach beyond the experience of individuation and incarnation to tap into the work of the Divine Mother. By attaining the spiritual perspective that this confers, aquamarine, in turn, endows its owner with psychic talents, such as clairvoyance or prophetic dreams.
All beryls, including aquamarine, have long been associated with magick and witchcraft; they have been the favored medium for crystal balls for centuries. Aquamarine lends itself to a variety of magickal uses, including purification, enhancing intuition, healing, and protection. It can be made into a gemstone elixir by sitting in water overnight, preferably under the light of the full moon; afterward, add a pinch of sea salt to preserve the energy of the liquid. Aquamarine elixir can be sprayed to clear the energy of a room or ritual space; anointed on the body or added to the bath to purify oneself before ritual or spell work; or a few drops can be placed under the tongue or in drinking water for more physically focused clearing. Drinking water infused with aquamarine is especially helpful for detoxifying on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
Product Details
- Publisher: Destiny Books (February 19, 2019)
- Length: 480 pages
- ISBN13: 9781620557648
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Raves and Reviews
“What an exquisite and valuable book! Nicholas Pearson’s Stones of the Goddess is packed with goddess lore as well as some extremely practical information for using a vast variety of crystals and gemstones. Although much of the material in this book is highly sophisticated, it also contains some of the clearest, most lucid instructions for actually working with crystals that I have ever read. Highly recommended!”
– Judika Illes, author of Encyclopedia of Spirits and Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells
“. . . a peerless authority when it comes to the knowledge of crystals, stones, gemstones, and minerals--Pearson’s expertise bridges geology, metaphysics, mythology, and occultism. Stones of the Goddess is a considerable contribution to the occult, metaphysical, pagan, goddess-worshipper, and witchcraft communities. Pearson understands the geological reasons why stones have the energies they do and how they can assist us. This book is sure to deepen your relationship with the world of rocks, goddesses, healing, and magick and is a book that every practicing witch and magician should have in their library.”
– Mat Auryn, author of Psychic Witch
“An essential read for any goddess who feels called to work with Mother Nature’s crystals and who is exploring her Divine Feminine.”
– Emma Mildon, author of Evolution of Goddess
“Pearson has done it again! Stones of the Goddess is instantly informative and deeply entrancing. By combining a detailed knowledge of crystals with a respectful approach to the Divine Feminine, he has created what is destined to become a lasting, indispensable handbook for anyone interested in magick, meditation, crystals, mythology, astrology, and--most importantly--finding and understanding the Goddess. Beautifully illustrated and with equally beautiful prose, this book is at once a manual of crystals and a crystal grimoire; perfect for novice and expert alike.”
– Lawren Leo, author of Dragonflame
“This book provides glimpses into the many roles of the Goddess through history and mythology in a compendium of stones described using mineral science and practical instructions as well as their links to the Female Divine. The mineral kingdom is here to support us during these times of transition and transformation, and this book fulfills its promise! I recommend it highly!”
– Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D., coauthor of The Secret Life of Lady Liberty
“This book is an important bridge between the new consciousness and the old ways. Mystery traditions around the world have always known that the Great Mother speaks to us through her stones, caves, and wild places of the Earth. This book is the perfect resource to help us all listen.”
– David Salisbury, author of Witchcraft Activism
“The Goddess and her stones has been a subject always close to my heart, all my life and especially when I began exploring the crystal kingdom more than thirty years ago. So you can imagine how excited and intrigued I was when Nicholas Pearson asked me to review his latest book. After reading it from cover to cover I was not disappointed. Stones of the Goddess is perfect for this unique time in our collective evolution. I highly recommend it.”
– Hazel Raven, author of The Angel Bible and Crystal Healing
“Connecting to the Divine Feminine through stones is a sacred connection to Mother Earth, where the mineral kingdom thrives, and Stones of the Goddess is a magickal treasure itself. From meeting the Goddess to the Goddess stones themselves, this is a wonderfully comprehensive, beautifully illustrated divine gem that should be on everyone’s bookshelf.”
– Marla Brooks, author of The Witch’s Oracle
“Pearson boldly stands on the shoulders of the unlikely pairings of the likes of Robert Graves and Scott Cunningham, Carl Jung and Melody and has crafted a paean to Gaia which will ring true to the many who will use her stones in a radically new fashion for age-old purposes.”
– Domenic Leo, Ph.D., art historian, independent scholar, and author
"In this book, he introduces readers to the Goddess while, at the same time, giving them practical information for creating a crystal toolbox for working with stones."
– Retailing Insight, Anna Jedrziewski
"Beautifully illustrated throughout, Stones of the Goddess: Crystals for the Divine Feminine is an extraordinarily informative volume that is ideal for the non-specialist general reader with an interest in the subject and a 'must read' for all dedicated students of the metaphysical sciences....highly recommended for both community and academic library collections."
– Helen Dumont, Midwest Book Review
"Stones of the Goddess is a fantastic reference book, and could be found in the library of any crystal enthusiast or new convert. Thick, weighty and well laminated, the text is not one to keep in a bag for frequent flipping through, but instead to be kept handily on a convenient shelf for regular use."
– Brooke Haba, Spiral Nature Magazine
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