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The Trip Journal

Introduction by Andrew Weil
Published by Libra Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
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About The Book

A whole new generation is waking up to the power and potential of psychedelic medicine and altered states of consciousness. Whether you’re an experienced psychedelic explorer or just curious, The Trip Journal is an easy-to-use guide to help those working with psychedelic practices through their journey.

While there are many books about psychedelics out there, they are often dense, overly scientific, and don’t provide practical advice on how to make the most of your experiences. That’s why The Trip Journal was created. Being intentional, informed, and confident about the journey you embark on will help make your experiences positive ones.

The Trip Journal will help prepare you for your consciousness-expanding experiences – whether with psychedelic medicines, breathwork, meditation or yoga – and then, most importantly, integrate them into your life so you can give power to those experiences.

Created by the founders of Field Trip Health Ltd., a premiere public psychedelics company, this guide not only teaches what comprises a psychedelic experience but the research behind the practice. You will receive preparation tips, advice, journal prompts, a psychedelic trip checklist, a trip report section, and everything else you need to process, track, and understand your experiences.

With room to cover ten sessions, this journal safely and effectively helps you to record your trips by breaking the experience into three sections- before, during, and after. Each section also encourages you, by way of carefully crafted prompts based on the latest science and clinical experience, to reflect on your experience at each stage of the journey.

For the curious or the seasoned, The Trip Journal is the essential companion for expanding your mind and opening your heart.


Why write about your experiences?

You’ve probably heard the cliche that the pen is mightier than the sword, but when it comes to many aspects of our mental and neurological health, the pen is also far mightier than the device.

Writing down the experience of traumatic events has been shown to help speed the emotional and even physical processing that result from those events. This is relevant to this guide because following psychedelic experiences, many people report a changed or better understanding of traumatic events. This new lens with which the traumatic episode is viewed, when paired with the act of writing it down, helps you process the impact of a trauma upon your life and change your outlook for the future. And there is ample science to confirm this. James Pennebaker, the famed researcher and psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, has led hundreds of studies over thirty years that have found that the act of writing about your feelings, emotions, and thoughts on paper can:

• Trigger neural activity in the brain, similar to meditation.

• Reduce stress.

• Improve mood, over both the short term and long term.

• Improve performance at school and work.

• Improve almost all measurable markers of social life and happiness.

• Improve immune system function.

• Lower blood pressure.

• Improve sleep.

• Improve markers of chronic illness.

• Increase white blood cell counts in AIDS patients.

• Improve markers of health in cancer patients.

• And dozens more similar results.

This is research only on writing and journaling about thoughts and feelings. For purposes of this guide, the act of writing something down, particularly a psychedelic experience, has two additional key benefits:

First, it helps encode an idea or thought into your brain. Encoding is the process by which the things we perceive travel to our brain’s hippocampus, where they are analyzed and ultimately stored in long-term memory. It invites the possibility for changing habitual thinking patterns of the default mode network (DMN). By writing down the details of your psychedelic experience and the insights that you want to take into your future, you greatly improve the potential for those changes to be sustained and integrate into your life.

Second, and perhaps most importantly, keeping a record of trip details such as location, time, and amount helps you calibrate for future journeys. Psychedelic experiences are generally safe and positive, but challenging feelings and emotions may arise, so it is recommended to keep a clear record of what you are experiencing, when, and what factors surround it so you can best calibrate future sessions.

About The Authors

Ronan Levy is a lawyer-turned-entrepreneur and visionary with a penchant for questioning paradigms and convention, and in their place seeking truth and impact. A husband, father of two boys, and repeated executive and founder of leading companies in the cannabis and psychedelic industries— including Trait Biosciences, Aurora Cannabis Inc, and now Field Trip Health Ltd— Ronan’s ten-plus-year internal growth journey has been paramount in staying centered and balanced while executing on a groundbreaking vision to change the landscape of mental health. From this journey, one lesson he’s internalized is the beauty in seeing life through fresh eyes, like that of a curious child, and he hopes to extend that lens to all and bring the world to life through Field Trip Health’s psychedelic therapies and technology.

Kori Harrison is a lifelong learner, technologist, investor, and writer. From corporate consulting in DC to building technology startups in Silicon Valley, her mental health and journeys inward weren’t a priority for many years. A disciplined soul with an incessant craving for progress, she found consciousness-expanding practices at a time when softening and reframing narratives were especially needed. The improved well-being and self-discoveries she experienced with this work inspired a mission to help others find the same. This brought her to Field Trip, where Kori is now Head of Product leading Field Trip’s digital strategy to scaling psychedelic therapies globally. To learn more about her personal journey, visit

Product Details

  • Publisher: Libra Press (July 26, 2022)
  • Length: 256 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781955858083

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